Seminar on "How to use the body in Aikido that beginners should know" with Masahiro Shiota Sensei
Aikido Mugen Juku Tokyo/Kamakura will host a seminar.
for more information.
Masahiro Shioda Sensei from Shioda Aikido will be invited to teach about the physical use of Aikido.
Aikido is a martial art that can be practiced by men and women of all ages, but not many people know how to really use their bodies in Aikido.
In this seminar, we will focus on "how to use the body", which is important for beginning aikido students who are white belts or brown belts.
Even white belts who have not yet learned the techniques of Aikido are welcome to participate.
Because Masahiro Sensei is descended from Gozo Shiota Sensei and has learned techniques from masters of various schools.
The content will teach universal basic techniques that transcend the boundaries of styles.